Feel free to delete the other character defaults there. THEN from there in that same Database go to Systems and change "Starting Party" by right click, and pick the name of the actor of your customize character to play as them. All you have to do is look through them and find your sprite then you can program your eventing with that sprite.Įdit: If I read you wrong and you don't want to use that sprite for your event and actually want to use it as USER go to Database > Actors "change maximum of actors" (assuming you don't want to delete the default actors) click the spaded image box for character, find your customized and hit confirm. You should see all the character images there along with your customized generator sprite you made in MV. To through a character down on the map go to "edit mode" where you see the grid then right click "new" which props open an event editor then click on "image" (this should be a white & gray spaded box in the lower left corner near priority, frequency, speed etc.). Since it seems that japanese would never learn english themselves, i already started learning japanese, but its not going to be quick, i'll say i'll need at least couple of years till i can comfortably read anything.They should already be there in your MV files unless you made actual customized character sheets using Photoshop/Gimp/et. And in china porn is straight up banned, i think? Japanese has it much better in that regard, there is loophole that if you have any censorship over genitalia it is not considered obscene or whatever, but that's why japanese porn even exists. That's why all manhwa has full censorship to not be considered as porn. Afaik porn in korea while not exactly illegal, but requires you to confirm your age with actual documents if you want to consume it, so no one really bothers to make porn. Also whole situation with porn in korea and china specifically doesn't help at all. RPG Maker handles the separation of those into individual segments on its own. How can I make rectangular sprites for characters for example I can only seem to make them 48x48, and with a pencil size that leaves the canvas on 16x16, so I can't really add much detail. It is really a shame that japanese/chinese/korean don't know/don't use english that much, would be such a prolific region. Click to expand.Oh wow, good to know, but reading novels with machine translation is kinda too much imo.