To do this, you need to enter the download link of Node.js from its official site and select the version related to your operating system and download it. The first step in getting started with Node is to install it on your system. For example, using the MongoDB module, you can connect to the MongoDB database and manage the information you want. Other companies and developers also created modules and shared them with others, which you can install and use using npm. Node.js contains a large number of modules, such as fs or path or HTTP modules. When you install node.js, npm ( node package manager) is also installed in the background, which you can use to manage packages and modules related to your project or the whole system. Once the Node.js installation is complete, you can start your projects using it. Node.js can be installed on various operating systems such as Windows, Ubuntu, OSX, etc.

To start programming with Node.js, you must first install it on your system. Here, you deploy the installation of node-v4.4.2 LTS recommended for most users.Ĭhoose the location where you want to install.Recommended Article: How to install LEMP on CentOS 8 Introduction to Node.js You can download the latest version of Node.js installable archive file from It is interpreted and executed by the Node.js interpreter. The source code written in source file is simply JavaScript. The source files for Node.js programs are typically named with the extension ".js". The files created with text editor are called source files and contain program source code. The name and version of the text editor can be different from operating system to operating system. For example: Notepad is used in Windows, vim or vi can be used on Windows as well as Linux or UNIX. The text editor is used to type your program. To install and setup an environment for Node.js, you need the following two softwares available on your computer: